Hey everyone, what's up and welcome. First we need to clear the air and take aim at all these lame asses across the world . I know your probably asking what in the hell is a lame ass, well their those people that can't ever do their own thing, you know, those annoying ass people that try to hang. They're the type of people that take something real good and turn it lame, the type of people that try to completely copy cat your steez, I know I can't stand these bird brain ass kids. You know the to tight tee's and SB's type of kids, just because they spotted you rockin some legit feet, and thoroughbreded tee, they acted like they want to be like me. The only harm their really doing is to themselves but it still grinds my gears to see. Oh you ask how do I spot one of these true lame asses, well just look for a ton and a half of questions like" oh do you have this? or that?" The lame ass is just trying to get a read on what's really good. Next listen for "hey my moms and pops got me this and that" well I really don't give a fuck you lame ass should be your basic response. Oh and for those that were wondering and I get rid of lame assness , hell no, its actually passed down from generation to generation, so if you create your own steez looks like your in the clear and your family did something right, for the others that are plagued by this your fucked and so are your loved ones. So just be yourself it hella'va lot better then being a lame ass, and if your whack , all you can do is imbrace it. Peace.
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